Tuesday, May 31

supposed to go study aft my art, chinese and physics with sher. den mikhtam told me that the korean show "my boyfriend is type-B" was really gd. i was planning on watching that show, so asked sher if she was interested.. thankfully she was, and we went to cine aft my remedials.

since we couldnt make it for the early show since sherlyn got to report of a window that dropped downstairs -_- so we caught the 1635 show. when i found out that my sister and matthew were there too, we went to find them at the foodcourt.

ate there too, but sat at separate tables from them. i went to buy tickets first, and went all the way up even tho there was a ticket counter on the floor that i was on -_- when sherlyn called and told me, i was like, omg.. the planning of the escalators in cine is DISGUSTING. to go up one floor you gotta walk one whole round. everytime i go there i'd complain to her abt it.

anw, when i FINALLY got back downstairs, we ate, den walked ard cine and went opposite to heeren's. when it was time for the show we went in, and sat down. den we felt a little hungry. so we walked out and bought potato chips and a zapple.

the show was good! loved it. its a romantic comedy. damn nice. the lead actor's is a jerk tho. he wasnt so bad in the end. the way he treats girls is revolting. playboy. but cute =x

gab and matthew went to catch madagascar, and when our show finished, i called and found out they were catching that boyfriend movie too. she's in the middle of it now, i guess..

so that makes it, what, 4 movies in 5 days? but the movies i watched were all good. dont really regret watching any of them. yeah. but im not going out anymore. no money sia!

michi ]|[ 19:41

Monday, May 30

went to watch monster-in-law today. it was daaaamn funny. lol. the ruby character was damn freakin hilarious. she has this thick accent that makes her jokes funnier. go watch if you havent. ichiban.

sighhhh, there's sch tmr. -groans. art, chinese, and physics. i wasnt supposed to go for physics. but i stupidly put up my hand when she asked who wasnt clear abt the syllabus -_- but i guess its good in a way. i get to clear up my doubts and understand everything clearer.

who wanna go study at BK??

michi ]|[ 20:56

Sunday, May 29

madagascar on friday was alright. lasted only an hour and a half. rather funny. good show. yesterday went jurong library. you know, the big one opp jurong entertainment centre. i went with matthew. we sat at the first floor, and i did my enligsh. completed it cept for the summary.

we talked, and went to eat long john's. TSVision was playing The Eye 10. i was facing there, so i watched it while eating. it was rather lame. haha. esp the bowl part.and the guy used his chopsticks and hit them against his teeth to distract the ghosts.. haha.

as for today, i met him again. we were planning to watch the house of wax since i couldnt find amityville horror listings on the net. but there were shows at jurong theatre when we got there, so we caught the 1550 show. we went to eat first, kfc. then went to the library again.

he looked at some comics while i did two chapters of my math tys. siannn. gonna have to start studying soon. getting ready to chiong nxt week.

mmz. we got the back seats for amityville horror. i closed my eyes for most of the gory scenes. so overall i wasnt really affected xD i did watch some parts, but it aint quite as scary as i imagined. matthew said infection was scarier. but come to think of it, infection wasnt that scary either.

look at me. i used to stay far away from horror movies because they freak me out, and here i am, watching amityville horror and infection. but they're alright. its not that freaky afterall.

im gonna watch monster-in-law tmr. cant wait. have been waiting for that show to come out. im going broke soon. i have been going out for the past three days and again tmr. thats like, 3 movies in four days. ouch. im gonna have to curb my spending for the next month.

michi ]|[ 19:24

Friday, May 27

went for the meet-the-parents this morning. got disappointed because i fared badly. didnt get any 1, only got two 2s. for eng and maths my term two marks pulled me down. for humans my term one marks pulled me down. if nt i get 3 1s alr!! mich wake up! 12pointstongeeannpoly!

anw .. i nearly cried when i said bye to mrs peng. cant help thinking that i'd miss her so much when she leaves for america or duno where. cant imagine hw the others might feel. they've been with her for one and a half years while i've only been with her for five months.

gonna go watch madagascar later.. at tiong. 1400 show.. hope its good. with the prices now, teenagers have to dig down deep in their pockets to get into a movie theatre. dont want to waste my money on a lousy show.

-yawn. so lazy. still got loads of homework. my sister alr started on hers, so i got to get going soon. will probably finish up most of it tmr and sunday.

gosh! im gonna miss mrs peng so much!

michi ]|[ 13:07

Thursday, May 26

went town with wendy, sher and matthew. first they pei-ed me go cut hair at pivot point. dad says its nice but everyone else said its screwed.

then went town.. far east first, den walked ard.. we walked till my feet were sore. went to eat long john's. we talked abt anything and everything. i loved every minute of today.

went home at, like, 8 .. den my parents dropped the bomb on me.

maybe dad cant make it for meet the parents. he has work at eight.

i really REALLY wish he would be able to come. i really wish. this is the first time i did well. as in, not as jialat as the last few years.. i got top 10 and i didnt fail anything ... hais.. when we found a timeslot that he could make it, i was damn happy .. i went to school and "booked" that timeslot asap .. then this evening my mom told me he couldnt make it then .. and only if mrs peng came early and had time, then my dad could sit in .. if nt he's gonna leave ...

i hate this...i've waited damn long for this day to come..i was so excited whenever i think about the looks on my parents' face when they see my report card. esp my dad's. last year all he did was discriminate my results because i'd dropped to normal. i wanted so much to prove him wrong. i hated my dad then for saying i couldnt do it.

just because of my bad results he got into a bad mood, and took it out on my mom. i nvr forgot that time. i was freakin pissed with him. it wasnt my mom's fault, it was mine, so why take it out on her. i vowed to prove him wrong, that his daughter isnt a good-for-nothing.

my mom was always telling me at night to get good results as to not tarnish the reputation of my dad the general. it was as if all he wanted was his face, and he'd get none if his daughter fared badly. and now i've got results to be proud of. and perhaps he cant make it.

he told me that its not that he doesnt want to go, but he cant go. i know its probably childish of my feeling that way, but i cant help it. all my life i've been bringing home bad results. with one or two passes. this is the one time in my life i get to be proud of what im bringing home, and not being afraid of getting reprimanded for failing.

now im afraid of being reprimanded for not getting high enough, like the top 3 positions. look at the vast difference. i wish my dad is going tmr. i really really wish. i'll pray that mrs peng comes earlier tmr. so that i can see his face when we get back our report card. i want him to finally be proud of me.


michi ]|[ 20:45

Tuesday, May 24

lets start with yesterday. sher and i went town to walk, and went to kino to buy my diary. :) i got a new diary! cost me twenty but i dont mind. gab and matthew were coming to town for lunch, so i went also. self-invite =x met them, then shaun came along too. sher escaped with him to go to some creative thing, and the three of us walked to taka for yoshinoya. i paid for the drinks and three cokes cost a freakin $4.50. omg.

walked ard, and went to heeren's hmv. i wanted to find the lovers in paris soundtrack. i found it on the third level, but it was like, $25.. i wasnt keen on spending that much, and we walked to cine. sher alr came back to join us. i went into sembawang and asked for the soundtrack. $20.. bought it.

went into More Than Words and saw this nice mickey mouse cup. since the price was reasonable, i bought it for wendy. haha.

den walked back to far east.. walked ard. den sat down and talked.. yeah. till abt 7. then gab wanted to go home ler, so we walked to tha busstop. i enjoyed myself. at least i got my diary and soundtrack! hees.

as for today, sch was alright. aft sch went town again -_- with wendy this time. she wanted to get her watch, and since i promised i'd go with her to get it, i went. had this badminton meeting. sian. then went to take the bus to town, wheelock. we were talking about sushi and felt like going sakae again. so we went =x we ate ourselves silly. ate and ate till we felt like vomitting. we even asked for our fruits and ice cream. ordered this strawberry smiles. its this small strawberry thats filled with ice cream. there were like, four for $3.90. so wendy and i ordered it. made us more bloated.

felt like throwing up. and wendy kept making me laugh -_- nearly barfed there. thats the punishment for being too greedy =P now still gt stomachache. eat too much alr. 21 plates. lol. we beat our "record". last time was 17 plates i think. or 19. yeah. this is the third time i think, in two or three weeks going to sakae. my wallet hurts. aft paying we chiong to the toilet. we couldnt finish the watermelon and were afraid we'd get charged for wasting food so wendy stuffed the watermelon into the ice-cream box. LOL. i laughed like crazy. she stuffed them into her bag then went to throw away. hahaha.

went to far east. wendy went to buy her watch. then we walked ard to find a present for shumei. we found out she felt left out that she couldnt join us when we went out. combed the whole of far east. then went into this shop and looked and looked for damn long. finally saw this figurine. donald and daisy duck. haha. bought it for her. yeah. then walked to the busstop.

tmr got humans test! must must MUST study!! but i got no willpower. hai. dun feel like studying. but i MUST get a 1 next term! so help me!

michi ]|[ 20:11

Friday, May 20

today was great. got back our marks n everything. i got a 5 for both art, and i got a 4 for my humans -_- frm a 1 to a 4. argh! im really slacking this term. really must pull my socks up.

kaili ang got mad at our class again. ppl were talking. kristal and i were one of them =x well, she lost her cool and let us do whatever we wanted in the remaining twenty minutes. mmz, aft sch, kailin, julia, peirong, wendy and i headed for orchard by bus. wendy, julia and i talked and talked. kailin and peirong were rather quiet.

since we were too early for the buffet, we walked ard pacific plaza. julia was looking for something and i nided to get that guangliang cd for gab. the staff in the cd shop was damn bui song. damn attitude sia. like he wouldnt care for our business. listen, buster, if it werent for gab i wont even step into ur shop.

well, made our way to wheelock. hadda queue up for awhile. went to the toilet with wendy, then browsed through this shop. saw many mickey mouse thing. wendy went hysterical in there. she loved mickey mouse. i felt like getting her something frm there, but i wasnt exactly loaded. then i spotted this mickey chocolate, and it was affordable. when we got back with kai, ju and peirong, kailin took wendy into this iPod shop to see something. i took tht opportunity to grab julia and try to run into the mickey mouse shop without being seen by wendy.made it there and back.

didnt eat much at sakae. wasnt that hungry.. so i wasted my money there. paid for wendy too, because the first time we went tgt, she'd paid for me. then went to take neo. when wendy was cutting up the neos for us, ju helped me slip the chocolate into wendy's bag without her notice. way cool! i would've nvr been able to do that.

the three left aft the neos, and wendy and i continued window shopping. we went into this mickey mouse shop again. there was this mickey pendant that caught her eye, and she was debating whether to get it for like, 20 mins. she didnt have enough money, and since i didnt get her a birthday present this yr, i paid for half of it. i didnt mind, since i was flush that day.

walked to the busstop. it was quite a distance so wendy and i kept ourselves busy by talking non-stop. we went to the subject of shumei. hahaha. i was laughing so hard my stomach hurt. the bus was damn long! like, 45 mins? i was like, wth, faster come lah.. when i reached home it was really late. but thank God my dad wasnt home yet. sms-ed wendy while waiting for the bus to look into her bag front pocket. haha..

gonna get new shoes with wendy soon. adidas or something. something thats allowed in school xD our shoes werent 70% white and of the right colour. hope my mom will allow me to get new ones.. the one i have now i bought myself, and its been with me for three yrs. in desperate nid of changing.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 20:42

Thursday, May 19

i didnt stay back for art today. mdm lim's gonna nag and nag and nag and nag and nag tmr. but im not staying back then, either. tmr's SAKAE SUSHI! omg, i cant wait.

got back our term two marks. got a 2 for english, a 4 for science, and a 5 for chinese. not too bad. i improved in maths and english, stayed the same for science but deproved for chinese. but surprisingly i still passed all. im worried for my combined humans and art. dont think i'll do very well for them.. but its okay. i still have nxt term.

chinese was hilarious.. we were reading this article on trim and fit programmes in school, and it said that in every 3 pupils, one of them is in the TAF prog. then mr pang took me, wendy and shumei for an example. and you can guess who the "fat" one is. wendy and i laughed and laughed. it was damn funny..

tang shu'en came today. no, its not a student. its a hamster. see, yvonne's hamster gave birth, and gave one female baby to shumei. but shumei's mom said she could only take care of her aft the exams, because she'd be playing with her instead of studying. so wendy volunteered to take care of her for shumei. brought it to sch today to pass to wendy. the name was invented by wendy. shumei had wanted a name that included all of us, because it was sort of "our" hamster. so wendy used her surname [tang], shumei's first chinese character [shu], and my last chinese character [en]. yeah, it was pretty cool. haha. its a nice name, and the hamster's so cute. it once went into jerry's pencil box and refused to come out.

okay la.. i gotta go..

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 15:31

Wednesday, May 18

stayed back today for art again. got started on painting. mdm lim showed me abit but i screwed up the rest. but i dont care. freaked shumei out by calling her name and pretending i didnt. i know, its childish, but it was great fun to see how freaked out shumei got.

she even told mdm lim that her art room was haunted. mdm lim kept suan-ing shumei about the "ghost" after that. it was hilarious seeing shumei getting scared. didnt tell her it was me. didnt get the chance to.

i got a 1 for my maths. finally. gab got a 1 too. im not looking forward to the 27th of may though. thats when we're getting back our report cards. i dont want to see how much i've deproved. its nxt friday. my dad's coming to sch at 0730 so im going home aft that, and am meeting wendy for breakfast at ard 10am. then we'll go to shumei's place to cook. sounds great huh.

but im looking forward to this friday more. wendy, kailin, julia, sokgin, peirong and i are going to sakae sushi! omg i've been waiting so long for that day. shumei isnt going. oh well. nth we could do abt it. im gonna try to find the lovers in paris soundtrack frm borders. we're going to the sakae at wheelock. i've nvr gone out with kailin, julia, peirong and sokgin before. oh man i cant wait.

and i saw angel like loads of times today. outside my classroom, outside the toilets, at the canteen. and shumei said he looked at me! yeah yeah, okay, okay, i'll stop..

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 17:16

Monday, May 16

went to anchorpoint aft sch with wendy and shumei for lunch at kfc. aft that went back to sch for art. supposed to develop sher's photos for her, but we were pressed for time. hais. feel guilty.

had this acjc talk last period. damn super sian. left sch ard 5. didnt get much done at art. yeah. was talking to shumei most of the time =P am probably staying back everyday.. hai.

just wanted the tong hua video. omg the song rocks. but im not as crazy over it as gab is. talked to jack, shumei's ex for the first time today during art. he sounds so much like zQ`. which reminds me, he's coming back this thursday!! i cant believe its been a month. golly. times sure flies.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 18:51

Sunday, May 15

watched the repeat of the last two episodes of "lovers in paris". the female lead actually cried SEVENTEEN TIMES in that 2-hr sequel. gab and i actually counted =P

omg that show rocks. im trying to find the soundtrack for it. love the songs even though its in korean. haha.

geez, my dad keep matching his ties with his shirts and asked me which is nice and blablabla. when i said it was nice, he would disagree with me. i knw squat abt matching ties and shirts.

sianz. i'm gonna have to stay back everyday for the next few weeks to do my art. abt 2 hours a session. haiz. i wanted to go down to hmv one day to try to find the soundtrack. and buy gab's guang liang cd, or she'd keep kb-ing me.

mom bought a few dvds. like "be cool", "son of the mask", "sahara" and "xxx". the weekend's almost over! argh. im looking forward to the june hols. thats when i chiong my studies for Ns. probably gonna sweat it out with sher. me and wendy are going to sakae again. hahaha. we couldnt wait for shumei to come back frm her holiday to God knws where. ok. i'm out of things to say.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 18:50

Saturday, May 14

its siansville ard here. i spent the day moping ard the house. spending hours online duno doing what. listening to the same songs over and over again. watched stupid programmes on tv.

i nid my research by monday and the stupid printer's screwed!! must be the doing of my younger sister and her pesky group of friends. they all came over one day and printed sum shit for their project or wadever. den aft that the stupid printer jam. and she nvr do anything abt it. so irres!!

ok lah. nvm. shant say more. juz spent the last two hours online.

i wish i went for the overseas service learning!

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 20:34

Friday, May 13

well, gab and i went home early yesterday and watched tv. saw the end of freddy vs jason. didnt think it was that scary but who am i to talk? i didnt watch the whole movie anw. then we watched 'growing up wild' on the discovery channel. it was filming on polar bears. omg so cute. then watched this show 'animal miracles'. it featured pets that saved lives and those that helped the disabled and everything. yeah, it was pretty cool.

today was rather embarrassing. i was outside the classroom sitting at the tables opposite matthew wang taking an open-book chemistry test. we were both absent on the actual day of the test. then suddenly a gust of wind blew my worksheet away. i was chasing the stupid worksheet all over the corridor. mrs ang saw me frm inside the classroom and kept laughing -_- it flew inside the classroom afterward. got sokgin to pick it up for me. but thank God it didnt fly downstairs.

wanted to leave aft art class but mdm lim wanted me to stay behind to catch up on my art piece because i was behind time a great deal. thought up pretty good ideas to fill up my piece, which is good. i normally couldnt get anything done in the scheduled time in school.

went to the library to find some research books, and saw shem and matthew there. haha. i went to find my books before going over to talk to them. stayed for awhile before going off. saw kawai and the rest in the tv room when they were supposed to be in the art room. bao tou-ed them and mdm lim told me to go back to the library to get them to come back. wrong move.

since i didnt feel like going back again, i stayed in the library and talked to shem and matthew. looked through this science book. quite fascinating. =P shem was studying maths, and he kept talking to himself. aft that he stopped work and talked to us. yeah. it was fun. nvr really got to talk to shem in class. he got the new nokia phone. damn cool. i duno wads the model name, but the camera's pretty darn good.

went home abt 4. managed to borrow this robin cook book to read. =P so yeah, i wasnt really focusing on just research books when in the library.

man, i hav horrible muscle aches. had napha test on thursday, and the teacher didnt give us time to warm up. did stations like stnading broad jump, inclined pull ups, sit ups, and sit-and-reach. i did okay. still got shuttle run. and my mom went to babble to her gym coach that gab and i were playing badminton, and he said that we nided proper training for that kind of sport. so she had this training session lined up for us tmr. omg. i hate training sessions. that make my muscles sore and dont seem to do any good.

why do i love you .. dont even want to .. why do i love you like i do .. like i always do ...

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 18:49

Wednesday, May 11

im so proud of myself! i just finished my research for the debate tmr. but my printer screwed up!!! argh. i just spent the one and a half hours trying to find the appropriate research. im so tired. think im gonna turn in early today. *yawn.

just came back frm dental. well, not just. but the stupid thing took so long. i waiting for over an hour for my turn lah. gab went first. changed the braces colour thing. we both chose purple. no, its not a coincidence. she chose it first and told me to choose that too. so yeah.

oh, kristal alr help me print the debate thing. thanks kristal! that is, if she's reading. OH SHOOT! I FORGOT TO DO MY PHYSICS HOMEWORK!!

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 20:59

oh, forgot to say we ate 17 plates of sushi altogether and two plates of fruit. i learnt lots of things frm wendy, like one ice cream and two servings of fruit are included in the buffet, and that we could actually order things frm the menu and not eat only off the belt. well, thats something i didnt knw. and oh, we sat in the same booth as we did on my first date with bryan. well, not exactly first date. gab was there too.

anw, today was alright. shumei kept yakking about chiangmai. maths class was fun. since i had alr completed my work, i could play with the thinking puzzles at the back of the class. i took those metal things, you knw, those with two pieces and you sort of have to figure out how to separate them. it was rather easy, but one really pissed me off. it seems impossible.

aft that ms thio gave us three questions that 4h had created, and if we could solve all correctly, we were given a "prize". it turned out to be m&m. haha. wendy and i won ourselves one small packet each, and we were eating that in class. yeah, so maths class was fun.

in english, mrs quah gave us one hour to share with the whole class about our service learning trips. people like kailin and mikhtam got to share. yeap. they seemed to really enjoy their trips. i for one, did not. i mean, i only went for two sessions. trust me to get allergic to that guy's apartment. thats the third time i got an allergic reaction in 6 months. cant believe how unlucky i got.

and im so screwed for my physics N level. since i had stuff like fevers and rashes, i couldnt go to school, and i missed alot of new syllubus. as for chinese, i screwed up my mid-yr paper. i failed, by like, nine marks. im this close to giving up completely on my chinese. and mr pang said that ms lim, the principal, wants to see the failers one-on-one. i couldnt believe my luck.

and now i have dental. sigh. no normal food for three to four days again.

oh, my grandma actually bought a grand piano. its in the second hall. its like, omg. so big! we could hardly walk pass it. it sounds nice, but i have no idea whats the different with the grand piano and a normal one. other than the size and price, which is much MUCH bigger than a normal one, i cant find anything else special about it.

okay, i gotta go. am leaving in five minutes as soon as gab finishes her bath. tahh.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 14:53

Tuesday, May 10

okay, forgive me for having two entries in a day. but i just feel so bored. oh, and by the way, i failed my chinese mid yr. so yeah. im screwed.

everyone's being so sore about leaving their overseas learning trips. I WISH WISH WISH I WENT!! argh. i hate being stuck in stupid local when i went to clean that stupid apartment and got that stupid rash. that rash got me two days mc but thats nt the point. they learnt so much, and they taught so much. people talk non-stop about their trips, and im standing there stupidly, with nothing to share. apart frm the performance on the last day, there's nothing worth talking about.

im definitely going nxt year. by hook or by crook im going. well, actually we're going by plane i think. yeah. love riding in planes. plus it'd be the perfect opportunity to get to knw your school mates and teachers better. great bonding experience. I STILL WISH I WENT!

but yeah, whatever. the trip's alr over. im just glad im not one of those people who are pining to go back to the countries they've been to. apparently they had loads of fun. i thought it was all work and stuff. been hearing so many stories about chiang mai and kunming. saw many pictures. could almost imagine myself there. but well, if that were true, i'd have just saved my mom $700.

speaking of my mom, she's not getting me that iPod shuffle anymore. she also has connections and could get this iPod mini at like, $250. she asked if i nided it badly, and i said no. and that i was surviving nicely on the hand-me-down discman i got frm gab. even shumei's gonna get an mp3 soon. but yeah yeah, i should be grateful i can listen to music.

here's a stupid joke:

"i got a new hearing aid!
"oh. does it work?"

with credits to my grandad. yes, i know, im lame. but im so bored!!

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 21:19

today was great. i went to town with wendy. first time out w/ her. haha. she nided to get a pencil box. we took the bus down and decided to go to SAKAE SUSHI. i'd wanted to go with jon and xiufeng on monday, but they couldnt make it. its been a long time wendy and i ate jap food, so we decided to go.

we went to heeren's, and spent one or two hours there. haha. we ate and ate and talked and talked. talked about anything and everything under the sun. we had the buffet so we ate our money's worth. i tried loads of different things today, because wendy kept telling me to try new stuff.

aft that we walked ard heeren's. we went to take neos. it turned out pretty good, yeah. then we went to 77th street. i bought this handphone strap thinger. and it seems that lao jiao has the same one i bought. gab told me so.

ooh, and speaking of gab, i learnt a secret abt her today. haha. sok gin told me. well, i think its kinda sweet. =P

i had good fun today. we always wanted to go out tgt but nvr had the chance, because its either of us had something on or whatever.

i just looked through gab's china photos. she told the story behind each one. it was cool. i saw that they had loads of fun over there. sigh. i wish i had gone. SHUCKS MAN.

and shumei's always telling me and wendy about her chiangmai trip. i got rather irritable because i was sore i didnt get to go. im definitely going next year. DEFINITELY. okay. i gotta go.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 19:17

Monday, May 9

sometimes when i think back, i realise that there are things i thought i'd forgotten, but are still there all the while. i know it seems stupid because its been so long since that incident.

when i realised that i hardly think of him now, i thought my goal was reached, i had forgotten him. but, reality check, the feeling is still there. there will always be a hole in my heart waiting for HIM to fill it up again. since the breakup, everyone thinks it'll just be a matter of time before i forget him. well, it looks like the time nvr came.

whenever i see him my heart skips a beat. its not very often that i get to "bump" into him. and whenever he smiles at me i just feel like i can melt right on the spot. those months with him were the best i ever had in my life. the post breakup was the worst period of time i had to go through. even though i was the one who initiated the breakup, i knew it had to be done sooner or later. even though breaking up was the last thing i ever wanted to do, i'd rather be hurt earlier, rather than let it drag on and hear it from his own mouth.

i wasnt so entu about that relationship then. i dont even knw when we broke up. i just lived for the moment. i just dont know why i cant let go. but everytime i see him, i just cant believe i'd once let him slip through my fingers. i once had him and i didnt know how to hang on to him. and when i think about the time when gab fell for him, i just feel like banging my head against the wall. just one phone conversation, just ONE PHONE CONVERSATION and all the complications started happening. but considering his character and everything, the breakup was bound to happen.

just feel so stupid to still be clinging onto him when there's no chance of us ever getting back together. though there are tons of guys out there who are better than him, i just feel i couldnt ever love anyone as much as i loved him. he's just.. different. i dont knw. he's sort of like my soul mate.

well. enough blabbering about him. its not gonna change anything anyway. he'll nvr take me back. guess i should be grateful for those couple of months i got with him.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 10:59

Sunday, May 8

alright.yesterday was okay.spent half the day at the beach in sentosa.went w/ bryan.yeah.we went to sakae first then sat at the beach and talked.touched on various subjects.yeah.then we left for home.it was okay.gonna head back there in june,hopefully.with sher and the rest.

went for service today.since its mothers' day,there was the combined service.i went for the service only,at 1030.it was raining when i left but i thought no big deal.took the train down to boon lay before going back to lakeside since i had the time.i was sleeping on the train when i got prodded awake.i got a shock,and found out that one of the transit workers was asking if i wanted to get off the train.i was so embarrassed.they had a weird look on their face,like i was crazy or something.

but anyway,the walk frm the busstop to jcc wasnt sheltered,and joel offered to wait for me at the busstop with an umbrella.i declined it because it was too much trouble.thought walking in the rain abit was no biggie.well,turned out the rain was heavier than i thought it was.when i reached jcc i was drenched to the skin.ran abit of the way.

saw xiufeng and huiwen outside the hall.they were ushers this morning.they were like,omg what happened to you.this nice lady,who was outside too,gave me a couple of tissues to dry myself off.when i went in,i was still rather wet.when joel and jon saw me they laughed their asses off.yeesh.but yeah,service was great.surprisingly i wasnt cold.

since it was mothers' day and i nided to get a present for my mom,i went to tiong with jon to find a present.we walked frm the florist to gift image to popular to precious thots to comics connection and back to the flower shop again.bought her a cute small bear and a pink flower.that was all i could afford since i only brought out $10 with me.wrote a little note to go with it when i got home and spent the rest of my day in front of the tv.

mom bought this weight-losing thing for $300.dad thought it was a waste of money.gab and i were amused by it.its this vibrating thing that you strap onto your stomach to get our blood circulating.gab and i found it a hoot to place our hands on the strap thing and feel our brains vibrating.it got painful after awhile.wonder hw my mom stands it.

hmmm.right.think this is enough for today.see you tmr.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 21:01

Saturday, May 7

kay,so today was really rad.well,yesterday,actually.its alr one am.well,its performance day at kreta ayer,and since i didnt come the past two days,i missed the rehearsal and everything.when i reached school,aaron asked if i had a red shirt w/ me.i said no,and realised i had to wear a red shirt and long pants today,to match w/ my class.so i decided to go home,change,and head for kreta ayer.aaron came w/ me,because i didnt knw hw to get there frm tiong.

i changed,and my uncle offered to bring us to kreta ayer.made things alot easier for us.so we went earlier,and saw xiufeng,sandra and matthew rehearsing.they were singing some teresa tng song.they sounded great.

aaron briefed me on our performance,and we rehearsed a couple of times.i didnt knw hw to sing the song so i just bluffed myself thru.but i had fun.4h's item rocks.i recorded everything down on video.

aft that we got dismissed early.so i headed to the airport to find sher.i went alone.no one wanted to go w/ me,but oh well.when i was at lavender station,lao jiao called me,asked where i was.he told me to alight at the next stop and wait for them cuz they wanted to go to the airport too.he was w/ shing.they wanted to find stella and the rest.yeah,so i found them and we went tgt.crapped on the way there.

when we arrived at the airport,we looked at the arrival thing.lao jiao misread the thing,and we ended up rushing for nothing -_- saw sher's mom there too.talked while we waited for the plane to land.it took a while for everyone to come out of the check out thing.was damn happy to see sher.aft that i left.sher went to hav lunch w/ her friends.

didnt knw i had to alight at tanah merah station to change train to the one headed for boon lay.i fell asleep and went back to expo -_- the trip home was horrid,because my discman went out of batt.went home,took a bath and watched tv.lovers in paris.haha.nice nice.

i fell asleep waiting for my parents to come back frm dinner to go to the airport,and i blanked out to everything.suddenly i felt my dad frantically trying to wake me up.i got a shock.tot what happened.turned out i was so dead to the world that he thought something happened to me.what can happen to me?im so blessed.haha.yea yea whatever.

woke up while later,and felt damn uncomfortable.hai.like my whole body's so tense.when i checked my phone i found out i had like,15 over missed calls -_- frm lao jiao and matthew.lao jiao called like,eight times.yeah.then i sms-ed him.gab reached home a little past midnight.we talked and everything.she bought me a shirt and two wristbands!!heeeee.

spent the nxt one hour talking.she told me abt her trip.sounds like great fun.haii.wish i went.wish i went to chiang rai too.argh.

alright.im going to sentosa tmr.go beach.hee.so long nvr go ler.alrighty.seeyuh tmr then.night all.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 01:04

Wednesday, May 4

ok.didnt go for service learning today.mdm tan called me up n asked if i was going.felt so gd to say no and to hav a valid reason.wahaha.i duno if im going tmr,i got mc for today n tmr.if im ok den i'll go.

well,this morning i woke up and both my right and left hand pain,so my grandma brought me to the doctor.i gt the rash thing on my face and arms also.so yeah.my hands felt someone broke them in the middle of the night.well,i duno.i nvr experience broken hands before so i cant compare.

anw,went to the doc,and he seemed surprised to see me.i tink it was my fourth visit this year.hahas.he said im gd with the weird stuff -_- so far i've got rash twice this year and fever twice this year too.wonder whats nxt =P

gave me sum med,and went home.stuffed myself with pancakes and stoned in the living room for an hour or so.fell asleep on the couch.aft that,ard 1830 bryan called me.so i called him back using my house phone.

aft that my grandma came home with the vcd series lovers in paris!!haha.we used to watch it o tv every saturday night/sunday afternoon.we couldnt wait for the nxt episode,so my grandma went to rent the whole series.yay!heez.

dad's having a friend over.a korean.so right now we hav someone frm china and someone frm korea in our house.cool.the one frm china's my grandma's tutor.apparently my mom likes him so much she said he's her ideal son-in-law,considering that he's honest and filial and everything.ah well.

heard frm my dad gab lost her voice.hope she's ok.cant wait to see her friday night.

okay,the medicine for pain works wonders for my hands,but the side effect's pins and needles.yeouch.okay,im gonna go watch tv.seeyaaaaa.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 20:21

Tuesday, May 3

lets start w/ sunday night.i was watching a korean series b4 i called bryan.i was surfing the channels when i saw that lotr 2 was on hbo.watched it while on the phone,and dad came out aft awhile to join me.aft my parents ate,they joined my younger sister and i in watching constantine on dvd.mom got it frm her friend or sumthing.it was good.

on monday,i went out to watch infection and coach carter.we got the tickets for both shows.i got scolded a kiasu -_- went for lunch first.yoshinoya.reminded myself of last time when i went out w/ jon.when we used to hav yoshinoya for lunch because we both loved it and we rarely got to eat it.well,anw,we went in for the show.i got freaked out.its damn scary lah.and its damn sick also.bleh.i covered my ears for 99% of the movie and closed my eyes for all the scary parts.darent watch any more horror movies.man.scared the shit out of me.

so,aft the movie we walked ard,then he wanted to eat again,and since i didnt eat anything before,i ate too.long john's this time.budget.haha.aft that browsed thru times bookstore.then went up for the second movie,coach carter.great show.u shld watch it if you didnt.rocks.

saw shuwee and his girlfriend in the arcade.haha.we went to take neoprint downstairs,den met shuwee there too.hahas.aft that took the train home.yeah,it was a great day.enjoyed myself.

as for today,we went for kreta ayer service learning.it was okaaaay.we left sch at 9am,then took the bus to chinatown.met the old folks,then went down to exercise with them.boy,i gotta admit,they are FIT man!i was hardly keeping up.they went on with their taiji and all for like,an hour plus.luckily we came late.i dont think i could have handled the full workout.im gonna die tmr.we gotta do that for like,3 more days!how am i gonna live thru them...plus,my rash came back this morning.on my face.i ignored it and went to sch because i thought,no big deal.man i was so wrong.they spread to my ears and palms and my feet.omg.when i was carrying the pail,mop and broom to an apartment to clean,i nearly screamed because it was hurting damn bad.

we hadnt a choice for lunch.had sum sort of noodle.it was alot.we couldnt finish it.i barely ate half.kailin didnt want to eat hers because she didnt like it and belle left abit.xiufeng was the only one who could finish it.coughed the shit out of myself halfway thru eating and didnt want to finish the meal.

mmz,belle,xiufeng,kailin and i were assigned to room 1970.i cleaned the windows [didnt do a very good job though],and wiped the floor dry aft xiufeng mopped it.cleaned the hand basin and all.washed a couple of his clothes and got my skirt all wet.aft that,we sat down and talked to the owner of the hse.this 80-year-old man.same age as my grandpa.he's nt married or anything..has a few relatives that visit him every nw and then..would rather die asap,since he's alone.its depressing to hear that.i feel that no one should want to leave earth early and stay as long as they can.but not like they're given a choice.

we were dismissed ard 3,and matthew,aaron,xiufeng,jeremy and sandra walked to the nearest mrt station,which turned out to be outram park -_- hadda walk so far.got crabby.hahas.

gab's coming home on friday.so's sherlyn.since i hav the time,im gonna fetch her frm the airport.am gonna bring that duck of mine that she loves so much.since i dont use it or anything,i decided to giv it to her.im going alone,probably.dont wish to talk about it.

as for gab,she reaches singapore at 10 at night.im probably going too.yeah.cant wait to see them back.miss them so much.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 18:28

Monday, May 2

i should be out the door in ten minutes,and heading down to plaza sing by bus.but im soooo lazy!!...i dun feel like going anywhere.hahas.but i'd better go today,because we've been postponing the outing frm last saturday to this saturday to friday to saturday then finally to today,monday.its a holiday anw,and we really wanna catch that coach carter show.

oh shucks.i just realised something.since friday isnt a school day,we wont end at 1315,and i wont be able to fetch sher frm the airport.*&^%$%^(# oh man.i promised her.i hav this stupid kreta ayer thing till ard duno wad time.hopefully it ends ard 2,and i'd be able to leave right aft we're dismissed and rush down to changi.yea,there's a chance it might work.

oh shit,im late.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 10:03

Sunday, May 1

mom showed me the sms-es that gab sent yesterday.glad she's enjoying herself,but she's complaining pretty much about the food there.hahas.i received an sms frm sher,and she said i should've went.she was ard angel and mark most of the time.but i guess its better that i wasnt there,even tho its,well,angel and mark.i kind of miss angel sometimes.u knw,its probably this ex thing.juz that he's the best boyfriend frm all the 4.cant help thinking back and wishing we were still more than just friends.but,ah well,i've forgotten most of the things frm that relationship.like when we got tgt,and when we separated.i nvr was that entu abt it at that time.

i dont want to be hung up on that relationship anymore.i was pining for him enough aft the breakup.tink my friends got fed up with my whining and complaining.bet they all heaved a sigh of relief when i finally said i've forgotten him.the truth,this time.once i thought i'd forgotten about him,and were bugging sher and belle to give me a celebration.bt turned out i just forgot about him momentarily.i wanted to rush thru the post-breakup so badly i forgot that i had ta giv myself ample time.yea ok enough abt angel.

mom got me an adidas bottle yesterday.yay.a grey one.n my dad returned frm east timor last nite,n my mom was all hysterical.i was already sleeping when he came hme.

didnt go church today.tink mervin would be biting my head off when i go nxt wk.i was juz recovering so my mom said try nt to go out.bt im going out tmr.go watch coach carter n sum other show at plaza sing,probably infection.planned that like,in the past few days cuz i couldnt make it on the original day.im nt really looking forward to watching infection.i'd really get freaked out.bt my friend wanted to watch.so watch lor.i'll juz cover my eyes when i tink the scary part's coming on.shuwee watched it already,w his girlfriend,n he said it was scary.bt i promised my friend the decision for the second movie was up to him,since i wanted to watch coach carter too.i'd wanted to watch guess who bt he already watched it.shucks.

anw,i gtg.i gotta go eat my breakfast.macdonald's.wahaha.bet gab would be salivating if she knew what i was gonna go eat.she said the food over there were too salty for her liking.well,i bet she's gonna cum back and stuff herself silly.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 10:10